Here is 3d printed baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I printed him for myself, first thing this year. I DID NOT DESIGN this figure, I found it online and decided just to print it and paint. It was 3d sculpted by Byambaa, you can find the file here on thingiverse .

Usually, when I use the printer, I later sand and fill the parts to get the smooth finish. This character is not smooth so I hope it will not require any sanding to get the bark texture.
I printed this Groot with black PLA on my CTC 3dprinter. If you have brown plastic, colorfabb wood or HATCHBOX 3D WOOD it will look perfect out of the printer. The model is very well designed and printing does not require any support. I printed it with 2 outlines and 10 percent infill. I didn’t scale it. The body used 17.371m of filament and machine was working 5h 37min on 80% speed. The head took 2h 43min and additional 13.283m of plastic. The only issues were with lower part of the head, the overhang did not have time to cool properly and distorted slightly but I quickly fixed it with filler.
I sprayed the figure with black and later with some white primer. It gave me slight highlights but the most important, acrylic paints will stick better to primer than to bare PLA.

I painted the whole figure with Vallejo acrylic paints. Using broad brush I painted base color using Mahogany (846). Then stippled some highlights with Cork Brown (843) and Field Drab (873). When it dried, I used Chartered Brown (045) in recessed places to add some depth. At the end used the watered black wash to make the even darker. I used Lime Green (827) to paint the moss in some places. The eyes are finished with 2 parts epoxy glue to give them a nice shine. I hope you like him, if you have any questions about finishing this piece, leave me the comment bellow.