Hellboy dunny

Hellboy dunny 1
Here is my take on very popular character among customizers – Hellboy. I made him using 3 inch dunny. I wanted to use all dunny’s features on this one and limit sculpting to minimum. I twisted the head by 180 degrees so cut-out horns appeared on his forehead, then glued both dunny’s ears on the head, first is used to form the cigar and second is hairs. The bump on dunnys face now acts as jacket’s collar. The only sculpted part is his stone hand. Here he is in front of his box, handmade of cardboard.
Hellboy dunny custom 2

If you like him, you have the occasion to own him. I put him on sale on Ebay so you can get it as a Christmas gift for yourself or your friend. 20% of the final price will go for KIVA , non-profit organization which provides microfinance to entrepreneurs  in developing countries to create opportunity to help themselves and others. The rest 80% of final price will be transfered to kiva account and will be lend to people to support their needs. When they pay it back, it will be lend to others until this dollars are worth something… So go and place your bid, you may buy 2 Christmas gifts in the price of one 😉

UPDATE: The auction ended at the price 105$, thanks for everybody who participated. The box was shipped next day and it is on its way to Spain.

80% of the final price gives roughly 80$, so it will give 3 loans to people from Kiva.org, 25 $ each. I already selected two:

First is Pasar Lontar Group which sells toys in small shop in Indonesia. They need the loan to expand their business and improve the standard of living of entire family. Since the money comes from sale of the toy, this was my first choice.

Second is Harapan 2 Group from Indonesia for Yusrati for stock to their general store.

Third will be selected in next few days. I will update this post to see if it made an impact I wanted.


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