This is second version of Toy Story engagement box I made, this time for Will from USA. I don’t want to build the same thing twice but this time it was justified. Toy Story is a big part of their life. Will wanted smaller version of Andy’s toy box, I like this size, it works very well as jewelry box. (BTW the ring is my prop only,not the real thing).
I made it with wood and painted with acrylics. The stickers are also hand painted with very fine brush and indicate places or brands which meant something for the couple. We have Toy Story Midway Mania logo, sorcerer Mickey, Hilton Head sticker, Abita Beer and New Orleans logo. It was tricky to paint but my hands are still quite steady.

Here is photo I received from Will showing box, The Adventure Book and The Ring. Will proposed to Ellen 16th of September and she said YES ! So now they are starting all wedding preparations. I wish you both happy life together.