This custom vinyl toys are based on Spiki platform designed by Nakanari. It was new platform for me, I customized it for Spiki Attack, the exhibition organized by Martian Toys in their booth during the New York Comic Con 2015. It was inspiring shape to start with. My first idea which came to mind was the Andy Warhol with his hair. I sketched his face on the toy and started developing the shapes. I used all existing Spiki hair in the design and I added more to match its style. At first it was going to be realistic portrait at the front of the figure, similar to the ones I made on munnys and dunnys, but my idea evolved to minimalistic design. In the meantime I found few other concepts which would suit this platform, so I decided to make mold and cast few pieces of my heavy modified head sculpt.

Here is first version which became Edward Scissorhands from classic movie directed by Tim Burton from 1990. Here is another take on this character with different clothes design All three of them were on display in Martian Toys booth 603 during Designer Con in California and are now for sale at Martian Toys.