Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) fictional superhero character from Marvel Comics and new Avengers movie which I am going to see in cinema tonight. I saw the fight scene on YouTube, she is kicking ass and looking super hot, especially with her curly hair I am big fan of. Scarlett Johansson started playing Black Widow in Iron Man 2 as an undercover spy for S.H.I.E.L.D. posing as Tony Stark’s assistant and now returning in the role in The Avengers. I hope they will give her more screen time and develop the character. She will come back again in Captain America: The Winter Soldier in 2014 and later in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I decided to customize one of Kidrobot Dunny toys with her portrait.

I painted few portraits of movie characters on dunnys, and my collection is growing. I noticed that there are not many custom Black Widow dunnys online, so it may be worth to add something from me to designer toys world. I painted this Scarlett Johansson caricature on 3 inch vinyl dunny toy produced by Kidrobot. They come with rabbit ears, but I decided to keep them to stay consistent with my other customs on this platform. I didn’t reshape the figurine or add anything, no boob job this time, just straight acrylic painting on top of existing toy. I am often jealous of people who collect 1/6th scale figures, especially of sexy characters like this one 🙂 I am tempted to buy one of this models made by Sideshow Collectibles or Hot Toys and do portrait repaint job like Noel Cruz does. I wander if I could do it well enough.