Custom engagement ring boxes are a great way to make your proposal even more special. If you’re a Star Wars fan, you might want to consider a custom engagement ring box in the shape of BB8. This is a great way to show your love for the franchise and make your proposal even more memorable

This was a matter of time when somebody found me looking for BB-8 engagement ring box. I wanted to make this little guy since he showed his torch thumb up in Episode 7 Star Wars The Force Awakens. He would be great addition to robot engagement ring boxes collection, he looks awesome next to my Wall-E engagement ring box I built before.

BB8 shape is simple ball with intricate paneling lines. The easiest way to split it would be cutting the ball in half and leaving ugly joint, but I wanted to hide using the features of robots design. That gave me this interesting flower like shape when opened. It made the construction a bit more complicated than just straight line but I think it was worth this extra effort. The perfect enclosure for an engagement ring. If you want to imagine the size, head is made of standard ping pong ball, and all figure stands 8cm tall when closed. We resigned from 2 antennas, because they would be very fragile at this scale and too pointy and dangerous in the front pocket of the trousers 🙂
Painting was made with my favourite Valleyo acrylic paints with light weathering. All sealed with satin varnish and interior lined with orange felt not entirely matching the ring shaped panels from the outside but it gives fresh, modern look. I will try someday how it would look with white or grey finish inside.

Alright, I built full scale version of this character. It is a mixture of 3d printing and casting in resin. More detailed description of the whole project, you can find here on this blog post