This is the first of two custom toys based on Dark Knight trilogy I made for private collector from New York, Aaron creator of Martian Toys brand. Follow the link to check what they have on sale in their online shop or if you are in Philadelphia, visit his brick and mortar shop called Mothership. Martian Toys was born from passion to designer toys and his hard work and growing number of curated custom shows is helping to promote this industry.
I used very popular platform, Kidrobot 3inch dunny to make this customs. The original bunny ears were cut of and replaced with epoxy putty, sanded to smoothly merge with the head. The chest with bat symbol and belt is sculpted with more precise Games Workshop greenstuff. The cape is made of piece of styrene, heated with heatgun and formed by hand. Some of the details were engraved with the knife on the surface of vinyl toy.

Everything is spray painted with flat black primer from Games Workshop, it always produces perfect finish. I wanted to keep it clean and smooth, without brush marks.

Bane is the second custom dunny based on Batman The Dark Knight trilogy. This one had the mask sculpted with greenstuff and the body took londer to paint. I used my favorite Valleyo acrylic paints with my signature face painting, hope you can recognize the character.

Someday I will add more characters from this movie. I am thinking about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Heath Ledger Joker. It is my first custom dunny set after almost year break, hope you like it.