This is the engagement ring box, scratch built replica of iconic TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space)- time machine and spacecraft from cult British TV series Doctor Who. It was ordered by Jason from UK obviously big fan of the show. This year is 50th Anniversary of the series so they will be celebrating their engagement anniversaries together with Doctor Who fans from around the world.
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I made it of laser cut styrene with bits of transparent acrylic and few LEDs in different colors. In this science-fiction world, interior of TARDIS is much larger than exterior. I didn’t have this luxury in real life and my interior was getting smaller with every layer of styrene I packed inside. I still managed to fit the elements of decorations and console as the ring holder in this quite small , only 118mm tall object. The ring is placed in white spotlight from the top to give the diamond extra spark. The background is lit by red and yellow LEDs hidden behind the console. Three walls of the second plan are solid and block the light from interior, so only the front window would be lit from lights inside. The other three windows had to be edge lit from LED hidden under the top section. I achieved this effect with acrylic panel, scratched with sandpaper and bend that one of its edges is facing the light source. See my drawing above.