I made this custom engagement ring box for Eric and his girlfriend from Canada both great Disney fans. It is based on Hank octopus from Pixar animation Finding Dory, this year released sequel to Finding Nemo from 2003. I agreed to build it because I really liked the first movie and planned to watch the new one too. It was great choice, because both movie and Hank were lots of fun what always makes commission like this more enjoyable.

I sculpted this character digitally and 3d printed with ABS on my 3d printer. It helped to keep the figure symmetrical, plan the hidden compartment and have the whole figure durable. I like the quality of prints this machine can produce now. I still combine both digital and hand sculpting on every project, mixing the techniques and choosing the best for desired results.

I designed and printed the whole character in 2 pieces, printed and sanded to get the smooth finish and remove the lines of layering typical for 3d printing. I chose ABS as it is easier and faster to sand. I then applied texture painting dots with thick nail color. I used heat gun to soften the plastic and bend arms and make Hank little less symmetrical. Eric gave me the sketch where he imagined front arms to form heart shape, I liked this touch very much and incorporated it in the sculpt.
The suckers were added by hand because adding them digitally would take lots of time, then sanding around them to get smooth finish would probably take days. It was easier to form tens of little balls of green stuff and stick them to smooth arms, flatten it with finger and push little dot with sculpting tool. It was easier, faster, produced better result and higher quality surface finish and details. Choose the right tool and process to do the job, not everything is worth 3d printing. It is good to have digital and traditional sculpting skills in your bag of tricks.

The project turned to be success, I enjoyed building it and both Eric and his fiancée loved the figure. They are already engaged and probably planning the wedding now. I wish you guys all the best, have a great wedding and life together! Thanks for asking me to make this little guy for you.