Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles Dunny Set

This is the set of Kidobot Dunnys inspired by binge watching the box set of Sarah Connor Chronicle, TV series expanding the terminator universe. I was always interested in cyborgs,…

X-Files Customized Kidrobot Dunny Toys

Do you remember the X-Files? This series glued me to tv-set in the nineties at same time every week. I was teenager then, interested in everything paranormal and reading all…

Mad Hatter Engagement Ring Box

Check this recent addition to my creative engagement category. This time I was commissioned to make a ring box in classic Disney Alice in Wonderland theme as this being one…

Hachi Scratchbuilt Robot Statue

Few weeks ago I was commissioned by Arvinna to make the very special birthday gift for her boyfriend. The request was to design and build a little statue of the…

Dexter Morgan dunny

Dexter Morgan (played by Michael C.Hall) from Showtime television program Dexter is another dunny toy I customized for my short TV series. I don’t watch TV much, because I don’t…

Munny Einstein in Color

I made second this time colour version of Einstein munny for Kidrobot Mega Munnyworld Contest and submitted him last Sunday. He already got some votes, but you can support this…