I want to show you Rapunzel Tower Engagement Ring Box I initially created for Josh from Canada. It is based on design from Disney movie Tangled. I wanted to make scale model of this building or Pascal chameleon right after seeing the movie in 2010. I had to put this for later because was occupied with other projects and this idea faded. When Josh came to me with this project, I agreed with no hesitation. It would look great next to my earlier Carl’s house model from Disney/Pixar movie “Up”.

Rapunzel Tower Ring Box – How Was It Made
When I build custom engagement ring box, I try to create a scale model of the building, true to the movie and as detailed as possible. I want it to be an ultimate movie collectible after it serves its function during engagement. I download every picture of Tower I can find, before I start designing parts of the model. I use CAD software to draw plans and elevations of the whole thing, after that I determine the size of the object and break it to smaller pieces which would be easier for fabrication.

I build it using hand tools and my laser cutter. I designed Rapunzel’s tower parts to be flat shapes, I can cut from styrene sheets of different thickness. For round elements I used 0.25mm stripes cut with knife to right width and rolled around different diameters tubes or deodorants to form the plastic rings in right dimensions. Humbrol Poly Cement melts the plastic so few 0.25mm layers build up the thickness and it becomes strong and rigid. I cut wooden beams from layers of narrow styrene stripes. The small imperfections were fixed with model filler but the surface finish was perfect, much better than 3d printed. You can see it on photographs below.

I sculpted the stone base of tower with Milliput around cardboard roll taken from kitchen paper towels. Milliput is 2 parts epoxy putty, I use it everywhere I need strong and durable sculpture. Is sets in 2 hours, so I sculpted it in sections, stones first and later the smooth, plastered areas.
I used it also to build the base shape of roof and later covered with with laser cut paper roof tiles. I used 2 tubes of superglue to attach them, slowly, layer by layer, glueing my fingers and probably poisoning myself with the fumes 🙂 It took few hours to put them this way but I think effect was the most realistic and fastest I could get. I am glad that I didn’t try to sculpt them by hand as I planned initially.

At this point after all this hard work, I decided to make molds of this elements because I want one model for myself, my little nieces or maybe make few kits in future. I only had silicone for upper parts, so will need to sculpt the base again. I like to make new things every time so it will not happen soon. I will need to watch Tangled again first to get more inspiration.

Everything is as usually, painted with my favorite Valleyo acrylic paints. I lined the interior with red felt. The ivy is model railway foliage from my local model shop. The whole Rapunzel Tower model is about 40cm tall and packed with details.

Josh sent me the message that he asked his girlfriend Janet to marry him and she said YES. She was happy with the Rapunzel Tower too. Wish you both all the best!!! Have fun at the wedding reception and brilliant life together!
Where is Rapunzel’s Tower in Magic Kingdom Located?
If you love Rapunzel, there’s great news for you at Magic Kingdom. You can meet Rapunzel herself and also see her tower. These two are in different parts of Fantasyland, but if you’re a Tangled fan, you’ll enjoy both of them. Rapunzel’s tower is up high near a rocky wall and a sparkling waterfall. You can find it between Liberty Square and Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom. To locate it easily, look at the Magic Kingdom map and find the Haunted Mansion. Before you get to the Haunted Mansion, take the path on the right, and you’ll see the tower on your left. I used reference photos of this Rapunzel’s Tower because it was the closest to the one from the movie.

Tangled Tower Figure You Can Buy
I decided to build only few copies of this model. Painting of this miniature takes too much time and I prefer to create new things. You can always ask me through contact for in About section if I will be able to craft you one. In the meantime, check this beautifully crafted Rapunzel Tower Masterpiece by Jim Shore which you can buy on Amazon (affiliate link) I have seen it on Instagram at many Disney collections and I think it is amazing piece.