Tag designer toy

Unique Scarlett Johansson Black Widow Painted On Vinyl Toy

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) fictional superhero character from Marvel Comics and new Avengers movie which I am going to see in cinema tonight.  I saw the fight scene on YouTube, she is kicking ass and looking super…

Brainstein USB by Mimoco

<A HREF=”http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?rt=tf_cw&#038;ServiceVersion=20070822&#038;MarketPlace=US&#038;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fthemodelmak05-20%2F8010%2F223b4a30-6b2e-4632-bb15-3d2edd7f5fa5&#038;Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.com Widgets</A> Some of you may remember my USB design for Infectious/Mimobot : Unmasked design competition I submitted in 2010. I didn’t win then but the comments were very good and encouraging. Year after this event I was contacted…

Hellboy dunny

Here is my take on very popular character among customizers – Hellboy. I made him using 3 inch dunny. I wanted to use all dunny’s features on this one and limit sculpting to minimum. I twisted the head by 180…

I Made Few Custom Disney Vinylmation

Another custom on small 3-inch platform, this time on Vinylmation. Disney has created a range of Vinylmations specifically for Create Your Own, there is a wide selection of products available.  There are 9inch blanks (and one with Mickey logo’s on…

Harry Potter munny

Here is the munny based on Harry Potter movie. Since the first part was screened in cinemas, people started to call me Harry :). I dont wear round glasses, mine are more rectangular but because of my hair there is…

Pamela Anderson The Pink Bunny Customized Toy

Custom dunny as pink bunny inspired by Pamela Anderson at Playboy outfit. She is flying for Designer Con in Pasadena Convention Center where you can see it at Custom Toy Union booth on Saturday November 5

Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles Dunny Set

This is the set of Kidobot Dunnys inspired by binge watching the box set of Sarah Connor Chronicle, TV series expanding the terminator universe. I was always interested in cyborgs, that may be caused by first James Cameron Terminator movie…

X-Files Customized Kidrobot Dunny Toys

Do you remember the X-Files? This series glued me to tv-set in the nineties at same time every week. I was teenager then, interested in everything paranormal and reading all about UFO and secret goverment projects. I am more sceptical…

Hachi Scratchbuilt Robot Statue

Few weeks ago I was commissioned by Arvinna to make the very special birthday gift for her boyfriend. The request was to design and build a little statue of the robot which would look like female version, sort of Bhakti’s…