Tag vinyl

Harry Potter munny

Here is the munny based on Harry Potter movie. Since the first part was screened in cinemas, people started to call me Harry :). I dont wear round glasses, mine are more rectangular but because of my hair there is…

Jessica Alba as Dark Angel toy

Jessica Alba dunny from Dark Angel sci-fi television series created by James Cameron. Main character Max (pictured) is a genetically enhanced super soldier who, after escaping from a covert government biotech/military facility as a child, tries to lead some semblance of…

X-Files Customized Kidrobot Dunny Toys

Do you remember the X-Files? This series glued me to tv-set in the nineties at same time every week. I was teenager then, interested in everything paranormal and reading all about UFO and secret goverment projects. I am more sceptical…

Dexter Morgan dunny

Dexter Morgan (played by Michael C.Hall) from Showtime television program Dexter is another dunny toy I customized for my short TV series. I don’t watch TV much, because I don’t have time for that, I prefer to paint figures, but…

Munny Lisa

My new mini munny custom I just finished and submitted for Munnyworld Megacontest organized by Kidrobot. This is my first entry and I am planning to submit more. The contest ends at the end of April so I still have…

Young Ellie Handmade Toy From Disney Pixar “Up”

I am back after long break with new finished project. Meet Ellie from Disney Pixar movie “Up”, one of my favorite and most inspiring animations of all time. You are already familiar with my earlier projects featuring UP house and…

Hit Girl Custom Dunny From Kick-Ass Movie

Little 3 inch dunny customized as Hit Girl, my favorite character from “Kick-Ass” movie. Her real name is Mindy Macready (played by Chloe Moretz ). She was raised by father, Big Daddy ( in this role Nicolas Cage) after her…

Dronkey Custom Toy From Shrek

I’ve been busy for the last few weeks with custom engagement ring box I can’t disclose yet. I will show it here after the big day later this year. Here you have custom Dronkey instead. 🙂 It is one of…