This is the Leprechaun statue I sculpted recently for Bill for his Instagram project. He travels with his army of 3d printed Leprechauns or send it to people to photograph them and post on instagram at leprechauntravels. I live in Ireland and for a long while planned to create something based on this character so I agreed to sculpt it for him. He sent me the drawing found on internet as the reference photo. At first we didn’t know who created it but when Bill posted work in progress shots on his instagram, @damefan told us that he commissioned artist Jerry Beck known on instagram as @illustratusmaximus to create it for him. That’s great to know because I could ask them for permission if I can make and sell few copies to pay for the time I spent sculpting and making molds. So if you want one of this very limited figures, leave me a question in comment below.
First cast is on its way to the client and soon will be able to watch where it will travel and all cool photos at @leprechauntravels instagram account. I will also take him on my trips and contribute to his project so follow us there.
I have a list of customs I could make based on this sculpt, watch this post to see some variations here on this post. But now, Happy St.Patrick Day!!! Greetings from Ireland!

Here comes the first custom I had on mind while looking at my sculpture. Uncle Sam for my friends from other side of the ocean. I had to modify hat, beard and hand with the gun. I also added little bow tie so it can look like the character from well known poster. I already have an idea how to customise it even more, to create few other characters. What do you think? Do you like it?