Tag custom

Belle and Boo engagement ring box

This is the engagement ring box I made for Roxy from Australia. The deadline was short but he had the defined ideas for the box and sent me good sketches so I could start fabricating it quickly.  The concept was…

Knight Custom Android Vinyl Toy

This is the first android I made, it was commissioned by collector from Ukraine who only buys customs on this platform. He had gave me 10 keywords for ideas to choose from, I went with first from the list – medieval knight.…

Spawn dunny

I made this Spawn dunny for collector from Spain, who already owns my Darth Vader and Hellboy dunny. The cape is made of heat formed plastic and can be easily detached. It has piece of metal paper clip glued at the edge…

Afro Pushkin Custom Dunny

This is second custom dunny I made for Alex from Moscow. It is depicting Russian author of romantic era , poet Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian…

Yuri Gagarin vs Alien custom dunny

Here is the tribute to Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, the first human in space. He completed the orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961 in Vostok spacecraft. He was awarded many medals and titles, including Hero of…

Custom Lunartik Toy Collection by Me

Over the past few years I was cutting and modifying toys, most of the times I was using Dunny, Munny and Lunartik. Here is the whole collection of Lunartik customs I made so far, for your convenience, placed in a…

Unique Scarlett Johansson Black Widow Painted On Vinyl Toy

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) fictional superhero character from Marvel Comics and new Avengers movie which I am going to see in cinema tonight.  I saw the fight scene on YouTube, she is kicking ass and looking super…

Darth Vader Custom Kidrobot Dunny

Custom Darth Vader dunny I made for the collector from Spain. He bought my provious Hellboy dunny on Ebay auction, he liked it and decided to commission me to make him another character. I am also Star Wars fan so…

Hellboy dunny

Here is my take on very popular character among customizers – Hellboy. I made him using 3 inch dunny. I wanted to use all dunny’s features on this one and limit sculpting to minimum. I twisted the head by 180…