Tag custom

I Made Few Custom Disney Vinylmation

Another custom on small 3-inch platform, this time on Vinylmation. Disney has created a range of Vinylmations specifically for Create Your Own, there is a wide selection of products available.  There are 9inch blanks (and one with Mickey logo’s on…

Donnie Darko Custom Kidrobot Vinyl Toy Dunny

3 inch custom dunny based on cult movie Donnie Darko. I saw few cool dunnys depicting Frank – demonic rabbit, but couldn’t find the main character Donnie played by Jake Gyllenhaal. I wanted to paint his portrait as dressed in…

Jessica Alba as Dark Angel toy

Jessica Alba dunny from Dark Angel sci-fi television series created by James Cameron. Main character Max (pictured) is a genetically enhanced super soldier who, after escaping from a covert government biotech/military facility as a child, tries to lead some semblance of…

Toy Story Engagement Ring Box

This is second version of Toy Story engagement box I made, this time for Will from USA. I don’t want to build the same thing twice but this time it was justified. Toy Story is a big part of their…

Musical Engagement Ring Box

I recently finished new custom engagement ring box commissioned by John from Australia. He requested the box with his girfriend’s favourite plush toys inside. He secretly photographed 6 of them  from different angles and send it to me so I…

Pamela Anderson The Pink Bunny Customized Toy

Custom dunny as pink bunny inspired by Pamela Anderson at Playboy outfit. She is flying for Designer Con in Pasadena Convention Center where you can see it at Custom Toy Union booth on Saturday November 5

Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles Dunny Set

This is the set of Kidobot Dunnys inspired by binge watching the box set of Sarah Connor Chronicle, TV series expanding the terminator universe. I was always interested in cyborgs, that may be caused by first James Cameron Terminator movie…

X-Files Customized Kidrobot Dunny Toys

Do you remember the X-Files? This series glued me to tv-set in the nineties at same time every week. I was teenager then, interested in everything paranormal and reading all about UFO and secret goverment projects. I am more sceptical…

Mad Hatter Engagement Ring Box

Check this recent addition to my creative engagement category. This time I was commissioned to make a ring box in classic Disney Alice in Wonderland theme as this being one of the favorite movie of future fiancée. After brainstorming session…